
The "so that" technique

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Anthony Pica
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The "so that" technique

The "so that" technique

If you're in sales (everyone sells something in some way), the "so that" technique can help you get your point across.

Basically, you add "so that" to the end of your statement.

Here's an example:

  • Before: Let's have a meeting tomorrow about the new project.
  • After: Let's have a meeting tomorrow about the new project, so that we can define the requirements and timeline.

The technique helps in two ways:

  1. It prompts you to share your reasoning or the value of what you're offering.
  2. It conveys your intent and why someone should care.

People are more receptive when they're given reasons.

Keep this simple technique in mind next time you're explaining something. It can help bridge together your viewpoint and the perspective of your audience.

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