
The best writing advice I've seen

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Anthony Pica
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The best writing advice I've seen

The best writing advice I've seen

About 2000 years ago my mentor Marcus Aurelius said, "the happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts." I believe writing is the best way to improve the quality of my thoughts. It's why I love journaling and note-taking.

Writing → Quality of Thoughts → Happy Life

But up until this 2021, my thoughts had remained locked up, hidden from the world. So at the start of the year, I launched the newsletter Work Smart, Lead Better.

My newsletter goals:

  • Write habitually.
  • Understand new ideas by writing about them.
  • Share thoughts with the world.
  • Improve my written communication skills.

Last week I celebrated my 26th newsletter broadcast. I'm halfway to a full year of sending one idea, once per week. (This is probably the first time I've ever followed through on a New Year's resolution!)

Along the way, I've tried to polish my writing style. I've come across lots of writing tips. Today I share with you my favorite:

Why it's the best writing advice I've seen:

In a flat, increasingly remote-first world, writing is one of the most critical skills a leader can develop. Whether it's an email, Slack thread, social media post, or a company memo, written communication needs to be engaging to hold the reader's attention and inspire or persuade them. Rhythmic writing is engaging.

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