These are my six core values.
Honor your commitments, and only make commitments you can honor. Speak the truth. It's okay to show vulnerability. Be the best leader you can, as well as a good follower.
Our galaxy would not exist without diversity. Embrace change. Seek out differing opinions. Love the variety of life, thought, race, preferences, and everything in between.
The goal of a leader is to create more leaders. Be the starting point of reciprocity. Put in effort and lead by example. Be kind.
In the face of adversity, be courageous. Live strong, persevere, and go beyond resilience. Turn obstacles into your advantages. Be antifragile.
Don't sacrifice the future for the moment: Your ability to defer gratification is a superpower. Good habits create space for creativity and time for family. Discipline is freedom.
Learn from anyone. You can gain more value by listening than speaking. Your ability to be empathetic and self-aware depends on open-mindedness and childlike curiosity.