Anthony Pica headshot
Anthony Pica


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No is more valuable than Yes

Trying to get to Yes too soon can put people on the defensive.

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An example of word choice importance

The parable of two kids in a tree.

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"Because" is a powerful word

People tend to be more receptive to what you say or request when a reason is provided.

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The downside of asking Why

To avoid triggering this negative, defensive emotion in other people, try asking WHY less, and ask WHAT and HOW more.

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The Obstacle is the Way - Book Summary

This is one of my favorite books from one of my favorite authors, Ryan Holiday. Reading The Obstacle is the Way has had a profound effect on my life and my professional career.

The Obstacle Is the Way book cover
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Death Ground & Deadlines

You can use Sun Tzu's death ground concept in your personal and professional life as a strategy to get stuff done.

Abstract photo of root and leaves