
The Process

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Anthony Pica
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The Process

The Process

The SaaS startup I work at just launched three big projects last week:

  • Rebranded the company.
  • Switched marketing automation platforms.
  • Launched a new self-service support portal.

There were hundreds of individual tasks with dependencies.

When there's a lot of complexity and the stakes are high, that dreadful feeling of overwhelm can creep in. And when that happens, how do you stay focused on the ultimate goal?

According to American football coach Nick Saban, you don't. Instead, he teaches The Process:

Don't think about winning the SEC Championship. Don't think about the national championship. Think about what you needed to do in this drill, on this play, in this moment. That's the process: Let's think about what we can do today, the task at hand.

The process is about being fully present in the moment and focusing on what's right in front of you. You break down a project into its atomic pieces and conquer them one-by-one. As you give each piece your full attention and effort, the outcome takes care of itself.

Steven Covey teaches us to "start with the end in mind," but when it's time to execute, "the process" is what will help us reach the destination with less stress.

If that feeling of overwhelm starts to manifest, it's effective to replace it with The Process. You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

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